Cleaner, Cook, Waiter/Waitress, Employee

AM Adamos Blue Sunrise Employment Agency / Ansot Employment Services

1. Company: AM Adamos Blue Sunrise Employment Agency Ltd.

Position: Cleaner

Number of Vacancies: 10 Male
Salary: Rs. 114,290

Position: Cook A

Number of Vacancies: 1 Male
Salary: Rs. 171,435

Position: Cook B

Number of Vacancies: 2 Male
Salary: Rs. 142,860

Position: Waiter/Waitress

Number of Vacancies: 5 Male, 5 Female
Salary: Rs. 114,290

Position: Cook C

Number of Vacancies: 2 Male
Salary: Rs, 128,575

2. Company: Ansot Employment Services Limited

Position: Employee

Number of Vacancies: 20 Female
Salary: Rs. 128, 575

Interview: Kathmandu 2081 Pous 30 (30 December, 2024)

Contact information:

Manpower : Om Shree Mahashakti Employment Pvt. Ltd.
Address : Samakhushi, Kathmandu
Phone No. : 01-4957662
Mobile No.: 9849040279

Source: Madhyanha National Daily, 24 December, 2024